Tongdosa Temple Day Tour from Busan



Price Comparison

  • It’s a 6-hour day tour to explore Tongdosa Temple in Busan, one of the most famous and beautiful temples in South Korea.
  • Visitors can explore the beautiful temple complex and see its stunning architecture, including the main hall, the pagodas, and the beautiful gardens.
  • After touring the temple, visitors can taste vegan bibimbap, a traditional Korean dish made with rice, vegetables, and a spicy sauce, provided by the temple.
  • The tour also includes visits to other hermitages, including Seounam Hermitage, known for its soybean paste and spectacular jangdoks(crocks), and Samyeongam Hermitage, where visitors can enjoy the beautiful scenery and learn about the history of Korean Buddhism.


Information about Beomeosa Temple

  • Check out the most famous and beautiful temples in South Korea.
  • Tongdosa Temple is one of the most famous and representative temples of Korean Buddhism, and it has a rich history dating back to the Silla period over a thousand years ago.
  • The temple is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and it is famous for containing the sarira of Buddha, which is a relic of the Buddha’s body.
  • The temple was first built in the 7th century, and it has been destroyed and rebuilt several times throughout its long history. The current buildings date back to the Joseon dynasty and are known for their beautiful architecture and intricate wood carvings.
  • The temple is located in the beautiful Yeongnam Alps, surrounded by stunning natural scenery and hiking trails. Visitors can enjoy a peaceful and serene atmosphere while exploring the temple complex and its surroundings.


Information about Seokguram Grotto

  • Seokguram Grottoes are man-made caves built with meticulous design to enshrine the Buddha. The weight balance and stability of the dome were solved by inserting stone nails horizontally between the stones.
  • The statue of Buddha with an infinitely compassionate and gentle expression under a sturdy artificial dome shows the essence of Silla Buddhist art and evokes emotions that cannot be expressed in words.
  • Seokguram Grotto address: 873-243 Bulguk-ro, Gyeongju-si
  • Open hours
    • 06:30 ~ 18:00 (Mid Mar – Sep)
    • 07:00 ~ 17:30 (Feb to Mid Mar, Oct)
    • 07:00 ~ 17:00 (Nov – Jan)


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Price History

Price History for Enjoy hiking and seeing around world heritage temple, Tongdosa temple

  • All prices mentioned above are in United States dollar.
  • This product is available at Viator.
  • At you can purchase Enjoy hiking and seeing around world heritage temple, Tongdosa temple for only $110.00
  • The lowest price of Enjoy hiking and seeing around world heritage temple, Tongdosa temple was obtained on 11:03 pm.

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